Saturday, August 09, 2008

Superhero Ideas

Shrinking Violet: Can shrink to subatomic size to infiltrate enemy headquarters and mess with their shit. This would have been better in the 1970s or so when women needed a bit more of a boost in the superhero department.

Super Sloppy: Solved crimes by inadvertently spilling things. Needs an amusingly named sidekick.


Blogger Sara said...

Oh, I do love this idea!

Private Tidy: He's the compulsive quicker-picker-upper sidekick to Super Sloppy. If you want to go with the alliteration, let's call him Sargeant Swiffer. Failing that you could always co-opt Sponge Bob.

Nihilismo: Prevents crime by trapping villains then forcing them to listen to his complaints about the world until they're immobilized.

1:06 PM  

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