Monday, February 25, 2008

Onward and Downward (-14.5)

Hey! My jeans fit again! And some of them are too big. Yay!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Checking Out

File under: In A Bad Place

I've been dealing with some stressful work stuff, and also family stuff, and the thought crossed my mind today of "checking out." Don't get worried about me: it's not like THAT kind of checking out. I just meant, "a vacation from my problems." (Remember What about Bob??)

How awesome would it be to not be bothered by stupid, petty things, like why the guy down the hall gets his own office, and I'm stuck in cubeland? Why is everything I ever do, never going to be good enough? Why can I never be satisfied with what I have, which is a lot? Why did I get so angry with the Andersen Window Corporation yesterday?

I mean honestly, this is petty, quotidian shit. Who gives a rat's ass?! I can see how people become addicted to prescription drugs.

I'm going to focus my energy on becoming more doglike. I can see that if I don't use my powers for good, they will be used for evil.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Star Quality

When I fly, I take lorazepam, a generic form of Valium. It helps assuage my otherwise crippling fear of death. Since I only fly maybe 5 or 6 times a year, refills routinely expire before I use up all the pills. I throw them out and call my doctor's assistant for a refill prior to my next adventure.

Getting 10 Valiums is a magical journey for me, an average or lower-than-average consumer. Yet, reports indicate that Heath Ledger was taking 6 medications at the time of his death:

temazepam and doxylamine (sedatives)

What doctor, or doctors, prescribed this lethal-in-low-doses cocktail?